During the dental cleaning, Dr. Aznavour, or our dental hygienist, will use several instruments to remove plaque, tartar and stains that have accumulated on the teeth. Sometimes, an ultrasonic vibrating device might be used to loosen plaque and tartar and then wash it away throughout the process with a rush of water. After removing plaque, tartar and stains, our Santa Clarita dentist or hygienist will use finer hand tools to wash away any remaining deposits on the teeth. To smoothen the surfaces of the teeth, your teeth will be polished with a lightly abrasive paste and finally, finish up with flossing and fluoride treatment to strengthen the enamel.
Once your teeth have been cleaned, you may undergo a final examination to check for gum disease, grinding issues and the alignment of your teeth. At this final stage of the process, Dr. Aznavour can address any questions or concerns that you may have.